jueves, 9 de junio de 2011

domingo, 5 de junio de 2011


preocúpate más por tu carácter que por tu reputación; tu carácter es lo que realmente eres, mientras que tu reputación es sólo lo que los demás piensan de ti.

sábado, 4 de junio de 2011

A close friend of mine told me once that you should understand first what you are doing in life before you understand what you want to get in life. What you get is a consequence of what you do. She told me not to be afraid of the future, just to live the present according to fair principles, doing good things, being clear from the inside. Travelling, makes you grow inside. It was in the other side of this world, miles away from here, I was taught the grace of learning about the unknown.